The Protective Aura: What Is It and How To Use It.

What Is The Protective Aura?
Why Reinforce Your Aura?
How to Use The Protective Aura In Your Daily Life.
What Is The Protective Aura?
Aura colors are not necessarily the same as the chakra colors. Aura colors are more about how you feel, these emotions emit radiate light in all directions, creating an egg-shaped bubble around us. Now the aura is not just emanations but is the actual manifestation of the Ego. The auric egg is the genuine person, it reflects the true mental and emotional state, not the physical body which has crystallized in its center. The aura protects the human body from negative energy by deflecting it. If this protective layer becomes weakened, it will be easy for outside energies and negative emotions to enter our body and mind. This can lead to bad health and emotional problems. Fortunately, there’s a way to prevent this. 
Why Reinforce Your Aura?
Everyone should learn how to reinforce their aura, it has a huge impact on the way your life will unfold, but it is especially helpful to empaths. Empathy is an intellectual process, giving a person the ability to see the world from someone else’s point of view. They are literally walking barometers of how we’re feeling. So it makes sense that sensitives should learn aura development too, right?


The goal of every empath is to feel more confident, secure, and learn  how to control their gift of course. The protective aura is one method to living a healthier, happier life. It has an effect on our consciousness and can make us more sensitive to our own needs and the needs of people and things around us. 
How to Use The Protective Aura In Your Daily Life.
Anyone who is in contact with others constantly absorbs their energies, in this way our own aura becomes contaminated and starts to lose its vitality. The aura is not something you can normally see with your naked eye, but it does have an effect on your life. That is why auric protection is important. It consists of strengthening the aura,  preserving its harmony, and preventing it from being bombarded by challenges or events from the outside world. Physical auric shielding includes building up and maintaining the aura by charging the astral body with energized intentions and color, which tends to ward off physical, mental illnesses, or spiritual influences. The protective aura can be strengthened by following these easy guidelines, which are discussed in this section.
The protective aura is a shield that is created by our own energy in our mind. Visualize filling this protective layer with the vibrations of health and physical strength. This can be done by imagining the astral colors related to well-being and stability. Picture being inside a giant bubble, safe and supported. This bubble can change to any color you wish. Now draw this energy closer to your body, let it conform around you. Keep in mind this form can expand or decrease based on what you need. Meditate on this just before going to bed, this practice turns the information over to your subconscious to be integrated while you sleep. Revisit this wonderful space you have created often, or any time you need to ground and rebalance.  
Conclusion: Astral Energy can be used in many different ways. It’s a strong, high vibrational energy that could be adapted to clear and strengthen a person’s connection to Source Energy. This intentional application of Astral Energy will help you slowly release harmful beliefs, outmoded programs, or patterns that no longer serve your highest good.
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